Il cuore ha ragioni
invisibili agli altri e procede per proprie intuizioni.
Né derive né sponde ,
razionali o profonde gli rendono agevole il corso .
Per i suoi tormentati
percorsi tortuosi, impetuosi , difficili , ostili
è inutile impresa
inseguirlo , blandirlo, attirarlo , circuirlo.
Con la mente cercare di
corrergli dietro e capirlo, di mettergli briglie, domarlo.
Il cuore ha sue strade
nascoste, sue onde , sue piene e maree , correnti
navigabili fiumi
sereni o torrenti schiumosi di rabbia
repressa .
Il cuore ha decisioni
incostanti ha slanci a volte improvvisi , ha languide soste
precise ferrate lungo
montagne dai lati scoscesi e dalle cime impervie.
Il cuore ha una regola
sola , l’assenza totale di schemi
algoritmi o equazioni .
The heart has got its invisible reasons and proceeds for its own
intuitions .
Neither a sliding keel nor an rational and
deep edge can ease its course.
For its tormented, meandering , rushing ,
difficult , hostile journeys
is useless enterprise try to follow it ,
cajole it, attract it ,deceive it .
Try to run after it with the mind and
understand it, to put a bridle on it, to tame it.
The heart got its hidden roads , its waves,
its floods and its tides, undercurrents
navigable peaceful rivers or rushing steams
of suppressed rage.
it has definite railways along mountains
with rugged sides and inaccessible peaks.
The heart has got only one rule , the total absence of
patterns, algorithm or equations.
Glam Affair Cassia Skin 08 Jamaica
Glam Affair Flower headband Black
Violent Seduction dress Versailles
Blacklace beauty mark & lashes
Blackliquid make up just gloss
Slink hand Elegant
Exile hair After the Rain Dark Blonde
Zenith Farewell my concubine rings
Modern Couture Allegra necklace
Glow studio Wings flexi
Pose Del May
Photographer and Model Arialee Miles
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