Many designers presented their fall collection, and there are really some lovely pieces among their new creations . Here below some chosen pieces directly from two of the fashion shows that I attended.
Here a perfect cocktail dress from Gizza. The pearl allure melts into the geometric shape of the skirt giving to the ensemble that particular register “ bon ton- but- not- too- much “ that so well identify Gizza creations . The outfit is complete of delightful paired boots. 

Dress By Gizza _ Domino Pearl
Skin Lelutka Kit
Hair Lelutka Moss
Nails Finesmith - metallic nails
Here below a lovely female business- suit- with- a -twist by Gizza perfect for every casual although classy occasion . The impertinent flares that open and caress the hips plays down the otherwise extremely severe pure line of this black outfit.
Suit By GIZZA Lordly
Skin Lelutka Kit
Hair Vanity Hair Dion
Jewels Finesmith Alexandra
Nails Finesmith Metallic nails
Absolutely perfect for a winter day casual meeting this delicious outfit from Gizza complete of coordinated boots . The fur that decorates the edges of the jacket and of the boots gives to the outfit that thoughtlessness allure which make suddenly feel on holiday .
Outfit By GIZZA _ La-di- da
Skin Lelutka _ Kit
Hair Vanity Hair_ Ballerina
Nails Finesmith _ Metallic nails
Another protagonist of this fashion season is undoubtedly CHANTKARE .
Applonia hit us again with her magic capability to penetrate in our dreams .
Here a lovely outfit for a week end in the country but perfect even for an afternoon walk in town .
Dress Chantkare Country
Skin Lelutka Kit
Hair Lelutka Pam
And now what a delightful choice for facing the winter with grace and a little of retro elegance.This outfit by Chantkare joins the softness of an old fashioned shirt with the impudence of the biker styled leather pants. For though women with a soft heart .
Dress Chantkare Nova
Skin Lelutka Kit
Hair Lelutka Tokio
Where is the rabbit and where is the mad hatter ? Rascal in its alluring simplicity of color and shape this cocktail dress brings us in a tale atmosphere, lets surrender to its magical allure ready to meet a thousand adventures .
Dress Chantkare Manny
Skin Lelutka Kit
Necklace Chantkare Horsematter
Hats from Split Pea
Photographer and model Arialee Miles
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